Songs - Peace and Pro-Social Skills

Peace Dove

May these songs . . .

*  help teach peace

*  inspire and uplift

*  encourage and empower

*  comfort and challenge you & yours

All lyrics are here, all songs are available for listening, and most are available for free downloading.  ENJOY!

Blessings, LKW


Code  S or I: (S)ecular songs, which can be used in public schools

Code  S or I: (I)nspirational songs which contain perhaps "God / pray / Lord" or other religous terms

     List of All Songs, noting themes/topics in each song PDF of List
 S  Can-Do! Kids:  Conflict Management Mini-album Songs Lyrics
 S  Can-Do! Kids:  Cooperative Learning Mini-album Songs Lyrics
 S  Can-Do! Kids:  Self-Esteem Mini-album Songs Lyrics
 S+I  Canciones en EspaƱol Songs Lyrics
 S  Caring and Capable Kids Songs Lryics
 S  Caring and Sharing Songs Lryics
 S+I  Double Blessing Songs Songs Lryics
 S  Drug-Free, That's Me! (Mini-album) Songs Lryics
 I  Let Go, Let God Songs Lryics
 I  Living Peace Church Songs Songs Lryics
 I  Onward and Upward Songs Lryics
 I  Peace Within Songs Lryics
 S  Positive Choices for Youth (Mini-album by Andy &Terry Murray) Songs Lryics
 S+I  Songs to Build a Better World Songs Lryics
 S  Way to Go - For Positive Youth Songs Lryics


Click Here for Enthusiastic Words About Songs by Linda K. Williams

NOTE:  For Songs in Spanish, or availability of some lead sheets, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

These songs were recorded in a variety of ways ... in studios ... at home school church ... so, you'll hear quite a difference between songs and collections.  There are different lead singers for the songs - - and a few songs feature Andy Murray and Patricia Mikkelson!